The Early Roots of Artificial Christmas Trees

Artificial Christmas trees have come a long way since their inception in Victorian England. The first artificial trees were made of goose feathers dyed green and attached to wire branches. These trees were trendy in Germany, known as “feather trees.”

Over time, the materials used to make artificial trees evolved, with new options, such as aluminum, PVC, and polyethylene, becoming available. By the 1960s, artificial trees had become increasingly popular, with American-made trees becoming particularly sought after.

The Modern-Day Artificial Christmas Tree

Today, there are a plethora of options when it comes to full artificial Christmas trees. They come in all shapes, sizes, and colors and are made from various materials.

One popular choice for artificial trees is PVC, a durable plastic type that is easy to shape. PVC trees vary in quality and price, with high-end options boasting realistic-looking needles and branches that may fool even the most discerning eye.

Another popular material for artificial trees is polyethylene, a type of plastic that can be molded to create realistic-looking needles and branches. Polyethylene trees are often more expensive than PVC trees but are also more durable and less likely to shed needles over time.

Aside from the materials used to make artificial trees, various branches, and needles are also available. These range from traditionally-shaped needles that mimic the look of natural evergreen branches to more unique options, such as “feather” branches that create a soft, fluffy appearance.

In addition to the materials and construction of artificial trees, numerous color options are available. From classic green to snowy white, a tree suits every style and taste.

In conclusion, the journey of the artificial Christmas tree has been fascinating. From humble beginnings as goose feather trees to the high-tech, realistic-looking trees of today, artificial trees have become an increasingly popular option for those looking to celebrate the holiday season in style. With so many options, finding the perfect tree to suit your home and style is easy.